From excel

This class use pyexcel_xlsx in order to read from spreasheet plate informations.

Common use case

This class is a simple way to transform a plate representation in a spreadsheet to a BioPlate instance.

An exemple

>>> from BioPlate.writer.from_excel import BioPlateFromExcel
>>> inserts = BioPlateFromExcel(r"C:\Users\Florian\Desktop\my_inserts.xlsx", sheets=["plate_representation",])
>>> inserts["plate_representation"]


By default BioPlateFromExcel will transform each plate representation in sheet to BioPlate object. If a sheet don’t contain a plate this will stop the programm.

Plate infos

Information of plate in a spreadsheet without plate header should be pass like this :

{"sheetname" : { "row" : 9,
                 "column" : 12,
                 "stack" : True,
                 "type" : "BioPlate"}}