Class documentation


class BioPlate.manipulation.BioPlateManipulation

This parent class grouped all method that can be applied to BioPlate instance.

count(reverse: bool = False)

Count number of occurance in BioPlate instance

reverse : bool (by default false)
result : dict

return a dict of occurance name : number of occurance

get(*well) → Union[List[str], BioPlate.manipulation.BioPlateManipulation, None, List[Sequence[Any]]]

Use to retrive informations from BioPlate instance

well : str

well is only a well identifier eg : “G5”, “2[B-G]”

One_well : str

get back value in one well eg : “G5”

multiple_well : np.array

get back all value eg : “2[B-G]”

multiple_well_multiple_identifier : list

return a list of eqch given arguments

iterate(order: str = 'C', accumulate: bool = True) → Generator

Generaror to Iterate a BioPlate instance by column or row, with ability to group value of same well

order : { ‘C’, ‘R’}

Iterate by column (C) or by row (R)

accumulate : bool (by default True)

Group data of same well together

well : tuple

each iteration contain well identifier and value(s) eg : (“B2”, “value”)


Get object name (BioPlate, Inserts, Array)

name : str

name of instance


>>> from BioPlate import BioPlate
>>> plate = BioPlate(12, 8)
save(plate_name: str, **kwargs) → Optional[str]

Save BioPlate objwct to plate history database

plate_name : str

name of plate to save it in database eg : “expetiment 1”

kwargs : dict

To know kwargs see add_hplate()

response : str

database response for adding or updating plate historic database

set(*args, merge=False)

Main entry point to assign value on plate

well : dict or str
  • if dict, well must contain well identifier as key and value to assign as : {“A2” : “value”, “A[3-6]” : 42}
  • if string, well is only a well identifier eg : “G5”
value : list or str or int or float
  • if list, value should be presented with multiple well identifer “B-D[2-5]”, [“value1”, “value2”, “value3”]
merge : bool (by default False)

Value on well are not overide but added

BioPlate : BioPlate

return instance of plate

table(headers: str = 'firstrow', **kwargs) → tabulate.tabulate

Transform BioPlate object to table

headers : str (by default “firstrow”)
kwargs : dict

To know kwargs see Tabulate

table : str

outputs a nicely formatted plain-text table

to_excel(file_name: str, sheets: List[str] = ['plate_representation', 'plate_data', 'plate_count'], header: bool = True, accumulate: bool = True, order: str = 'C', empty: str = 'empty')

Send BioPlate instance to spreadsheet

file_name : str

name of new created spreadsheet

sheets : list[str]

name of sheets

header : bool (default is True)

if header should be present in plate representation

accumulate : bool (default is True)

If data in BioPlate object should be accumulate or not see iterate()

order : {“C”, “R”}

Iterate value by column or row

empty : str

value assign to empty well

spreadsheet : None

create a spreasheet at given filename (should contain path also)

To excel

class BioPlate.writer.to_excel.BioPlateToExcel(file_name, sheets=['plate_representation', 'plate_data', 'plate_count'], header=True, accumulate=True, order='C', empty='empty', test=False)

Past BioPlate object to excel file.


Function to pass heqdwr format representation to workbook object

format : Dict

Dict of format to apply to plate header following xlswriter rules

__init__(file_name, sheets=['plate_representation', 'plate_data', 'plate_count'], header=True, accumulate=True, order='C', empty='empty', test=False)

This class is instentiate with parameters for excel file. BioPlate object are only pass to method.

file_name: str

name of excel file

sheets: List[str]

list of sheetname (default is [“plate_representation”, “plate_data”, “plate_count”])

header: bool

if header should be put

accumulate: bool

if plate data should be accumulate for same well or listed

order: str, {“R”, “C”}

if iteration should be done by column or row

empty: str

Name of well without value

test : bool

For testing purpose, return in memory object


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Pass Plate representation to spreadsheet

plate : Plate

Plate object to represent


Pass Inserts representation to spreadsheet

BPlate : Inserts

Inserts object to represent


Close workbook properly

data(BPlate, accumulate=None, order=None, header=None)

add to worksheet plate data, well and their value in column, ordered by column or row. If accumulated, well will be writen once. header should be a list of column name


Return list of value stocked in memory of workbook.

values : Dict[str, List[List]]

returns values passed to workbook as dict with sheetnames as key and value as list of values.


Create a xlsxwriter Workbook to work with. If test is True when class is instenciate this function will return a in memory Workbook.

Workbook : xlsxwriter.Workbook

An object to write excel file


Remove row and column


This function put reprenstation of BPlate depending on is type (Plate, Inserts, Stack)

BPlate : BioPlate

BioPlate object to represent in spreqdsheets


Create worksheets object for each sheets given.

worksheets : List[xlsxwriter.worksheets]

Return a list of worksheets

From excel

class BioPlate.writer.from_excel.BioPlateFromExcel

This class should be instanciate with those parameters __init__()

bioplate_dict : dict

Dict with sheetname as key and list of bioplate object as value

class BioPlate.writer.from_excel._BioPlateFromExcel(file_name: str, sheets: List[str] = None, plate_infos: Dict[str, Dict] = None)
__init__(file_name: str, sheets: List[str] = None, plate_infos: Dict[str, Dict] = None)

This class load plate representation and data fron excel file. If no sheetnames are specifed all sheets will be process. If plate are only data and no headers are present, you should provide a plate information. Eg : {“sheetname” : { “row” : 9, “column” : 12, “stack” : True, “type” : “BioPlate”}}

sheets : list, default None

List of sheet name to process if None all sheet will be process

plate_infos : dict, default None

Should be provide if no header are present in given sheet. Eg : {“sheetname” : { “row” : 9, “column” : 12, “stack” : True, “type” : “BioPlate”}}


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_get_no_empty_sheets() → Dict[str, List]

Get only sheet with element in it and discard empty ones.

Dict_of_sheet : dict

keys are sheet name, values are list of element

_get_one_plate(values: List[List], sheetname: str) → Iterator

yield plate object representation from list for a given sheetname

value : List[List]

list of element return by pyexcel_xlsx.get_data

sheetname : str

Name of sheet to process

value_of_one_plate : Plate, Inserts, List[List]

Yields plate object filled with value or List[List]

_get_plate_informations(value: List[List], sheetname: str) → Tuple[Callable, bool, int, int]

Guess or extract plate informations from a list of data

value : List[List]

list of element return by pyexcel_xlsx.get_data

sheetname : str

Name of sheet to process

Type : Plate or Inserts

Basic object type (Plate or Inserts)

stack : Boolean, dafault False

values are a stack of basic object type (Plate or Inserts)

column : int

number of column in plate

row : int

number of row in plate


>>> from BioPlate.from_excel import _BioPlateFromExcel
>>> BPFE = _BioPlateFromExcel("path/to/my_file.xlsx", sheetname = ["sheet1"])
>>> BPFE.loaded_file["sheet1"]
[[, 1, 2, 3], ["A", "t1", "t2", "t3"], ["B", "y1", "y2", "y3"]]
>>> BPFE._get_plate_informations(BPFE.loaded_file["sheet1"], "sheet1")
(Plate, False, 3, 2)
_guess_column_row(value: List[List]) → Tuple[int, int]

get column and row number from representation with header.

value : List[List]

list of element return by pyexcel_xlsx.get_data

column_row : Tuple[int, int]

returns column and row numbers


this function have to guess from plate shape and return an empty BioPlate object to use

value : List[List]

list of element return by pyexcel_xlsx.get_data

BioPlate : Plate , Inserts

return __init__() or __init__()

_instance_of_plate(Type, column, row)

instantiate a plate object with column and row number.

Type : Plate, Inserts

class definitions to instanciate

column : int

number of column in plate object

row : int

number of row in plate object

instanciate_plate: ``Plate``, ``Inserts``

instanciate object with right number of columns and rows

_iterate_bp_value(plate: List[List], row: int) → Iterator[Tuple[int, List]]

yield row index and value of given well for Plate.

plates : List[List]

list of element return by pyexcel_xlsx.get_data

row : int

index of row

Infos : Tuple[int, str]

Yields infos to assign value on Plate

_iterate_bpi_value(plates: List[List], row: int) → Iterator[Tuple[int, str, List]]

yield row index, position (top or bottom) and value of given well for Inserts.

plates : List[List]

list of element return by pyexcel_xlsx.get_data

row : int

index of row

Infos : Tuple[int, str, str]

Yields infos to assign value on Inserts

_pre_bp_iterate(value: List[List], row: int) → Iterator

Split value from a sheet into chunck of plate.

value : List[List]

list of element return by pyexcel_xlsx.get_data

row : int

number of row in plate

_pre_bpi_iterate(value: List[List], row: int) → Iterator

Split value from a sheet into chunck of inserts.

value : List[List]

list of element return by pyexcel_xlsx.get_data

row : int

number of row in plate

get_BioPlate_object() → Dict[str, Union[BioPlate.plate.Plate, BioPlate.inserts.Inserts, BioPlate.stack.Stack]]

Main method of this class, return a dict with sheetname as key and BioPlate object filled with element from spreadsheets as value.

BioPlate_object : Dict[str, Union[Plate, Inserts, Stack]]
is_insert(value: List[List]) → bool

Evaluate if BioPlate object is an insert.

value : List[List]

list of element return by pyexcel_xlsx.get_data

is_insert : bool

True or False

is_stack(value: List[List], sheetname: str = None) → bool

this function have to guess from plate if it is a stack

value : List[List]

list of element return by pyexcel_xlsx.get_data

sheetname : str

Name of sheet to process

is_stack: bool

True or False

Plate database

class BioPlate.database.plate_db.PlateDB(db_name='plate.db')
class PlateDatabase(**kwargs)

Database for plate

add_plate(numWell, numColumns, numRows, name=None, surfWell=None, maxVolWell=None, workVolWell=None, refURL=None)

add plate in the database

  • session – Sqlalchemy session
  • numWell – number of well in a plate (INT)
  • numColumns
  • numRows
  • name
  • surfWell
  • maxVolWell
  • workVolWell
  • refURL


Plate database historic

class BioPlate.database.plate_historic_db.PlateHist(db_name='plate_historic.db')
class PlateHistoric(**kwargs)

historic of create plate

add_hplate(numWell, plate_name, plate_array, Plate_id=None)
  • Plate_id – id of plate in plate.db
  • numWell – int, number of well in plate
  • date – date where plate was creating
  • plate_name – name of experiment or plate
  • plate_array – numpy array representation of the plate